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Find a professional to help you update your wardrobe. Search our directory of stylists, fashion designers, personal shoppers and other professionals to help you look great for all occasions.


Helping professional women in Comms, PR, Marketing, Legal, Finance & female entrepreneurs have a wardrobe that represents their brand, gives them confidence & a positive mindset.


Service: Personal Stylists
Location: multiple
Lisa Talbot.jpg

Exclusive Design · Best Materials · Customization · Made to measure

You are special, you are part of, Do you have something in mind?


Service: Shoe & Boots Designers
Location: Greater London

The London Bespoke Club offers a wide variety of custom shoes for both men and women. Our shoes are all bench made at one of the finest shoemakers based in Spain. Our online 3D shoe creator will al...

Service: Shoe & Boots Designers
Location: Greater London

Experts in custom shoe design, custom trainer design, custom sneaker design and shoe personalisation projects


Service: Shoe & Boots Designers
Location: Greater London

Fashion stylist Hollie Lacayo based in London has worked on fashion editorials ranging from haute couture to designer and high street fashi...

Service: Personal Stylists
Location: Greater London

You are successful and great at what you do. Yet you are not sure your image shows off your full potential. Perhaps your lifestyle has evolved, but your wardrobe hasn’t? Or your work pla...

Service: Personal Stylists
Location: Greater London

I am a personal stylist and shopper for professional men and women. I bring order and clarity to your working wardrobe. I help you to identify new looks and to discover a greater confidence in the...

Service: Personal Stylists
Location: Greater London
Showing 8 results
My-Boutique | Find A Pro